Monday, May 6, 2013


"I don't actually own a TV."  "I haven't owned a TV in xx years."  I keep hearing these statements like these more and more often.  Generally, there's a shit-eating smug-ness that accompanies these sentiments.  And so I ask...

What is wrong with TV?  

I admit it, I love TV.  I have always loved TV.  I do not feel as if it has rotted my brain or taken over my life (but then, I suppose the mark of a successful addiction is that you feel you can stop at anytime).  I still have a job, family, friends and I even read books!  Thanks to TV, I am quite knowledgeable in real estate markets around the world, I could probably conduct my own fingerprint analysis with super glue and duct tape, and I've witnessed three-way vampire sex.  

This is ruining my life how, exactly?  

TV is relaxing.  And although both hubbies and I spent a fair amount of time watching TV (poly DOES increase TV-watching), I consider it quality time.  We talk about the things we've watched and how it applies to our lives.  We have discussions about the shelf stability of quinoa should we ever decide to become doomsday preppers.  

I can't speak for anyone else but things I watch on TV make me think...  about my life, my choices and my behaviors.  It's a mirror of sorts to let me check in with myself and realize that my six bottles of Bath and Body Works lotion are OKAY because there was a sale and I had a coupon.  (I do not like running out of things and have a tendency to stock up.  However, I do not want to wake up one morning surrounded by dolls and dead mice so I occasionally examine my pseudo-hoarding to determine how close I'm getting.)  

I have to wonder if the anti-TV moment is something dreamed up by hipsters so they could have a "cause" without actually having to do anything.  If you're going to be smug about something, it might as well be something that you can't really "fix."  

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