<Originally posted elsewhere on September 11th, 2008>
For the most part, I avoid politics. I avoid them like most people avoid armpit stains and that-not-so-fresh-feeling. Unfortunately for me, I'm something of a news junkie (thank you 9/11) so it's nearly impossible for me to avoid political headlines when I scan my favorite news site on my quest to be informed and knowledgeable on all things non-political. Usually, I treat those headlines much like I treat peripherally noticing an animal that's been hit by a car on the side of the road - avert my eyes until the tragedy has passed. Usually.
Every now and again, there comes a political event so heinous, ridiculous or dare I say *interesting* that I actually have an opinion.
Such is the case for VP nominated Sarah Palin. To borrow a word oft used by Stephen Colbert.... Nation, are you serious?
Prior to this whole election thing, I actually liked McCain. It was refreshing to have an ex-POW in office instead of antiquated suits with spray-on comb-overs who THINK they have a handle on foreign policy and domestic administration. Let the guy who probably had to drink his own pee on occasion make a few decisions, eh?
Since entering the presidential race, McCain has done a fantastic job of alienating anyone under 45 by making it clear that he's a senile old coot with one foot in the grave. Sir, I understand that email is scary but I'm not sure that publicly admitting that you don't know what email is for and that your wife answers all of your emails is terribly good marketing to the email/text message/ipoding/right-this-second generation.
Doesn't the choice of Sarah Palin seem a little arbitrary? And when I say "arbitrary", I mean a last ditch effort to snag the estrogenic segment of the population who would have voted for Clinton and are too racist/sexist/scared/bitter to vote for Obama.
She was the governor of Alaska for two years. Alaska isn't even a real state! Does fishing, hunting and being prepared for bear survival somehow prepare you to deal with foreign policy?
She backs abstinence-only sex education programs yet her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. Clearly, her abstinence teachings at home were far reaching. Hypocrisy aside, her political career now shines a rather searching and probably uncomfortable light on her daughter and the baby-daddy. Is that really fair to do to a 17 year old?
It just gets worse. She's a devout born-again Christian. Religion is just fine so long as you keep it far, far away from me but you let these zealots in office and bad things happen. Adam and Steve cannot get married and guns will be available for purchase at Safeway.
She also has 5 children, one of whom is a special needs child. I'm all for having a career AND a family but I have to wonder how fair this all is to her kids and her husband. Aren't those 3 a.m. phone calls going to wake them all up? And we all know how hard it is to get a crying child to go back to sleep.
This is why I hate politics. The entire system is arbitrary, corrupt and stupid. Every time there's been a politician who seems like a decent apple, it's only a matter of time before the story breaks that he or she has been caught in compromising positions with a hooker, a donkey, or a small rusty hole in a truckstop restroom.
One of my clients tried last night to convince me that this election is historical and that my vote will count. I agree that it's historical but I disagree that my vote will count. Yes, I took the state mandated civics classes and as a child, I too tried to convince my mom to vote because it was "important." I've been legal for 14 years and no one in office has thus far managed to significantly impact my life. The stimulus check from W was nice but it doesn't erase the fact that he's a fucknut and even his speechwriters can't save him from himself (i.e. "strategery")
I haven't decided for certain whether I'll vote or not. If each vote is so important, then I'll bet I can sell my vote. I'll create my OWN economic stimulus. And I won't have to support a conservative bear hunter or a bleeding heart liberal to do it.
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